5 Fun and Unique Ways to Tell The World You’re Pregnant!

Congratulations! If you clicked to read this article, the odds are that you or someone you love is expecting a baby!
In this article, we are going to dive DEEP into everything “baby announcement”. Whether it is your first, third, or seventh baby, this new little one is worth all of the excitement and celebration that a baby announcement can bring.
In this article, we are going to dive DEEP into everything “baby announcement”. Whether it is your first, third, or seventh baby, this new little one is worth all of the excitement and celebration that a baby announcement can bring.
No matter what your personality or aesthetic, we have an idea that can be altered as needed to be perfect for your family. With a little inspiration, creativity, and excitement, your baby announcement will not soon be forgotten!
TIP: Read to the end to get access to our top 5 favorites list that includes a ready-to-use checklist!
Without further ado, let’s jump right in!
Who should I tell first?
As with all significant and personal life moments, deciding who you will share the news with first is, well, significant and personal!
Traditionally, a woman and her partner would go together to their respective parents to share the news before sharing it with anyone else. However, with the reality of family dynamics, this is not always the case.
Take the time to share the news with your closest loved ones first. Whether this is family, friends, or other loved ones, ensure that they do not find out about your pregnancy through word of mouth, or even worse- through social media! They must hear it directly from you.
Do I have to do an extravagant baby announcement?
You certainly do not need to have an extravagant baby announcement. There is no rule saying that you are a bad parent if you do not.
With that being said, pregnancy is a time of celebration and excitement regarding the anticipation of new life. Having an exciting baby announcement is a great way to kick off this amazing new phase!
5 Fun and Unique Ways to Tell the World You’re Pregnant
If you have decided that you want to put in the effort to have a special baby announcement, keep reading! We are going to share with you 5 fun and unique ways to tell the world that you are pregnant!
1. Involve your loved ones in a video announcement!
What you will need:
- A good quality camera and microphone
- A list of close family and friends that you want to be involved in the announcement
- A time and place to meet with all individuals involved
- The ability to edit video clips together
Picture this: 2 decades from now, you are reflecting on the video you created of all of your dearest loved ones celebrating the announcement that your baby (now 20 years old) will be entering the world. You have this memory forever, all because you took the time to curate it back when it mattered most.
Welcoming a baby into the world impacts so many more than just the mom and dad-to-be. By including grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, you are confirming to the world that your baby will be raised by a strong, loving village that will double as caregivers and protectors over your little one!
2. Create a memoir of your journey with your partner so far!
What you will need:
- Pictures of exciting events with your partner from the past, including (but not limited to):
- Memorable dates
- Engagement
- Wedding
- Other baby announcements
- Big moves - The ability to edit pictures/video clips together
- A new photo of you and your partner with an ultrasound picture
Compile your photos chronologically into a clip or video, and play them through. End the reel with a picture that implies your next big step together: your baby!
This special memoir reel takes everyone through your journey with you. As sentimental as you may feel in the creation of it, your child will feel just as much so when they watch it a few years from now. This compilation serves as a gentle reminder that everything happens for a reason!
3. Get quirky with it!
What you will need:
- To brainstorm a picture theme (browse Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook for inspo!)
- Props for the chosen photoshoot theme
- A good quality camera
- Access to photo editing (if desired)
If you haven’t seen them already, there have been some VERY creative baby announcements circulating the internet over the years.
While they make look complicated to replicate, they aren’t as difficult as they appear to be!
Some announcements are inspired by movie advertisements, while others are accompanied by quirky captions. The purpose of these captions is to make your audience (AKA your friends and family!) laugh!
Here are some examples of comedic baby announcement captions:
- “Patiently waiting for dirty diapers, sleepless nights, and endless love.” This caption pairs with a photo of mom and dad-to-be posing, looking at a clock.
- “Bun in the oven!” Paired with a photo of parents (and possibly the baby's future siblings) in the kitchen either baking or holding a baked good.
- “Break out the pickles and ice cream!” This caption refers to the unusual craving pregnant women commonly face! Pair this one with a photo of mom-to-be lounging in her sweats and comfiest Momanda Nursing Bralette, snacking on ice cream and other sweets!
4. Embrace your passions!
What you will need:
- The equipment commonly used in your passion of choice (for example, baseball: bat, mitt, helmet, etc.)
- High-quality camera
- Ultrasound picture
One of the coolest things about expecting a baby is knowing that this little one will have to opportunity to learn about all of your favorite passions… directly from you!
Get started on the education early by basing your pregnancy announcement photo on a hobby that you love!
Utilizing the example above, baseball: have your partner and you sit beside the baseball diamond, dress in classic baseball uniforms. One of you has a bat in one hand, the other has a baseball mitt. Photo caption/description could be “Adding a new player to our team!”
Another example could be reading. Organize a photo of you and your partner cuddled on the couch, both reading books. Have the books in your hands be parenting and/or pregnancy books and ensure that they are being held so that the titles are visible!
Regardless of the hobby you choose, place the ultrasound in the photo. It can be placed as sneakily or bluntly as desired!
5. Personalized gear!
What you will need:
- A baby onesie
- Plain t-shirts for mom and dad (to-be!)
- To connect with a customization shop
This option is great because it is not only a tangible memento of the excitement of announcing your pregnancy, but it is something that your baby will grow into and wear one day.
Purchase a plain onesie in newborn size, and then two plain adult T-shirts (to fit mom and dad). Reach out to a customization shop and have them write “MOM” and “DAD” on the respective T-shirts. Then, have them write “COMiNG SOON” on the onesie.
This idea works especially well if you are interested in seeing all of your loved ones' facial expressions as you break the news to them by wearing the apparel in person!
Whatever way that you decide to share the glorious news of your little one to the world, be sure to embrace your family and your personalities! Don’t attempt to impress others with your announcement… think of it as a memento for the next, most significant, stage of your life.
Get creative, put in some effort, and have fun! Create wonderful memories and know that it will all be worth it when you look back on your announcement, years from now!
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