Benefits of Breastfeeding

📸Joyfulmama in our Lace Plunge Nursing Bralette@emilyinfullbloom
Breastfeeding, which is also often referred to as nursing, is the process of feeding a baby milk directly from the breast. Several studies have shown that it is tremendously beneficial for both baby and mother. This is why experts recommend that you should aim to breastfeed your little one right from birth until they naturally outgrow it. Approximately 62% of mothers breastfeed their little ones. A lot of times, though, both babies and mothers often need some time to get the hang of it. This is completely normal and it’s what makes breastfeeding a learned skill. Therefore, it should be approached with patience on the part of the mother. Here is a look at some of the benefits of breastfeeding:
Benefits of breastfeeding for your baby
- Breast milk is an important source of antibodies that help boost the baby’s developing immunity. During breastfeeding, you pass antibodies from your body to your baby, and this helps them better resist infections and diseases.
- Breast milk is much kinder to the baby’s stomach than formula. It gets absorbed quickly, which leads to fewer cases of constipation, stomach upset, and diarrhea.
- It helps the baby bond with the mother. Frequent close physical contact helps baby to become better acquainted with you.
- Breastfed babies are less likely to develop allergies as they grow
- Breastfeeding decreases the chances of your baby developing diabetes, ear1 infections, and Crohn’s disease later in life
- It also lowers the chances of some childhood cancers like lymphomas
- Breastfed babies are at a lower risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
- Breastfeeding helps in the development of oral muscles and facial bones
- It also reduces the risk of childhood obesity
Benefits of breastfeeding for you
- When you start breastfeeding immediately after giving birth, your uterus starts to contract, preventing heavy bleeding. Gradually over six weeks after birth, it will keep contracting until it gets back to its pre-pregnancy size
- Babies can be quite expensive. When you breastfeed, you save a lot of money that you would have otherwise had to spend on formula and supplies.
- Breastfeeding delays the return of menstruation
- Breastfeeding is convenient. When you need to feed your little one, you simply just have to sit down and do it. Compare that with all the mixing, measuring, washing, and preparing that is needed with formula feeding
- If you want to lose some weight, breastfeeding is a great way to help you do that. When you breastfeed exclusively for at least six months, you will get back to that pre-pregnancy weight in no time.
- When you breastfeed, it triggers the release of prolactin. Prolactin is commonly called the mothering hormone, and it creates an overwhelming feeling of well-being and relaxation. It also promotes deeper sleep, which will help you feel better rested within a short time.
- Breastfeeding reduces the risk of postpartum depression
- Breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancers
- When you breastfeed, your baby will get sick less often. This will greatly improve your overall quality of life
📸Joyfulmama in our Lace Plunge Nursing Bralette@mothergiver
How to Breastfeed
Proper breastfeeding technique takes time and patience from both you and your little one. However, correct positioning and latching technique is very important if you want to prevent nipple soreness, and if you want to make sure that your baby gets enough milk.
So what is the right way to breastfeed?
The first step to proper breastfeeding is to ensure successful latching. Babies can do this from a number of positions. You need to ensure that the position they assume is comfortable for both of you.
All babies are born with a natural latching reflex. This is the natural reflex that causes them to turn towards the breast with their mouths open. You can take advantage of this by gently stroking your baby’s cheek with your nipple, which will cause them to move into position before a breastfeeding session can commence. Babies are also attracted to the smell of the nipple, so while the baby is becoming accustomed to nursing during the first few weeks, wash your breasts and nipples with simple plain water.
You will know that your baby has latched successfully when both the nipple and a large part of the areola are in their mouth. The nipple will be angled towards the roof of the mouth, and the baby’s lips will be flanged out. A good nursing bra will make this position easier to achieve.
Guidelines for Proper Breastfeeding
- Start breastfeeding within the first hour after delivery
- Your healthcare provider should evaluate your breastfeeding progress within the first 24 to 48 hours after delivery. A follow-up visit should be made 48 to 72 hours after you get discharged.
- When breastfeeding a newborn, do not supplement breastfeeding with anything else. This means no water, no glucose water, no formula, unless upon the advice of your healthcare provider
- Breastfeed your newborn whenever they show signs of hunger. These include increased alertness, increased activity, mouthing, or rooting. Do not wait for them to cry.
- Breastfeed exclusively for at least six months. This will ensure that your baby gets the right amount of nutrition for optimal growth and development
- If you have to be apart from your little one, express and store your breast milk. This will ensure that baby gets a constant supply of breast milk instead of formula at all times.
- Whether you are exclusively breastfeeding or pumping, consider treating yourself to at least 3 good nursing bras. The importance of breastfeeding comfort and support cannot be overstated. Get a nursing bra like our Lace Plunge Nursing Bralette if you’re breastfeeding or our Lace Hands-Free Pumping Bra if you’re pumping. They are the perfect choice for anyone looking for something practical and comfy that’s also stylish and pretty.
- After the sixth month, when you start to wean your baby to solid foods, keep breastfeeding them regularly until the 12th month or even longer until your baby wants to stop or until you opt to stop breastfeeding.
Final Thoughts
As you can see, breastfeeding comes with a lot of benefits for both you and your little one. Besides being proven to help mothers bond with their babies in a way that cannot be matched by anything else, including bottle feeding, it is also the only act that simultaneously meets the nutritional needs and deep nurturing needs of the baby. The right nursing bra will make feeding your baby a lot easier and more comfortable for both of you.
📸Joyfulmama in our Lace Plunge Nursing Bralette@bricoffman
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